About Boxberry
Boxberry Kennels was founded in 1990. To date we have titled 1 Australian Supreme Champion "Jack" Aust Sup Ch The Fonejacker At Surfstone (Imp UK) 3 Australian Grand Champions:- 'Jamie' - Aust Gr Ch Belvurn Too Hot T'Handle (Imp UK) SOM who was the first male Boxer imported into Australia to gain this title. The second was 'Biscuit' - Aust Gr Ch Kabova Scent Ova Woman, and most recently 'Slater' - Aust Gr Ch Boxberry Surfing Superstar. My husband and I have also titled 41 Australian Champions & 1 Obedience Title, with many more waiting in the wings. Boxberry Boxers can be found in most states of Australia and in the pedigree of Boxers around the world in England, America, Canada, New Zealand & Sweden. Information regarding planned, expected & arrived litters can be found on the kennel news page. I currently have a long waiting list for one of my beautiful babies, and as such my waiting list is currently full, and I am not taking any expressions of interest to join the waiting list, once it is empty I will not have a waiting list - puppies will be sold once they are available. You are more than welcome to contact me to discuss my kennels & breeding programs, and I also welcome inspection of my facilities.. Our love of Boxers started at a very young age having grown up with Boxers as a child in the 70's + 80's. Soon after Darryl & Janet were married as they bought their first Boxer Aust Ch Chelveston Our Covenant "Max" when they married in 1990. After attending my first Sydney Royal in 1991 where Max placed second, I decided that Max needed a friend. Max's new friend was Whitechapel Satin Sash "Yar". Yar was never into the whole showing thing, but Yar can be held responsible for getting me hooked on the breed BIG TIME. Yar was the love of my life and she is dearly loved and missed every day by all at Boxberry. My main vehicle's number plates are in memory of our beautiful Yar being YAR 001. The next significant addition to the Boxberry family after Yar was "Brown" - Aust Ch Intrends Hiland Mist. Brown was one of the foundation bitches and produced our first homebred champion Aust Ch Boxberry Charlie Brown "Charlie", Charlie was also a Best In Show All Breeds winner. My Boxers are like my children; there is nothing that I would not do for any of my babies. My husband and I have had other breeds in the past a Boston Terrier named "Gabbo" Aust Ch Tramsens Final Say and we used to breed Dogue De Bordeaux under the "Caporal" kennel name. Now we have decided to devote 100% of ourselves to the beautiful Boxer breed. To date we have bred two Dam's of Merit - the first Australian Ch Boxberry A Star Is Born "Loaf", Loaf has produced 5 Champions, 4 of which were from the same litter by Ch & NZ Ch Valeska Hez Super Too (Imp NZ). Loaf's Champions from that litter are Ch Boxberry Twinkle Twinkle "Vogue", Ch Boxberry Hez Super "Forrest", Ch Boxberry Super Nova "Nova" & Ch Boxberry Little Star "Bridgett". Her other Champion is Ch Boxberry Wish Upona Star "Bagel' who is by Acreoaks Chase The Cad (Imp UK). Loaf's litter sister Boxberry Star Struck At Belvern "Aqua" (who we exported to the UK) is the dam of Eng & Irish Ch Belvern Premenition JW "Spencer" who was Top Male in the UK (Boscars 2006). Aqua's daughter Belvern Bellsima At Lansfrese won the RCC at Crufts in 2006 in an entry of 296. Aqua's progeny’s wins made her the Runner Up top Dam in the UK in 2004 & 2006, and helped her owners Belvern Boxers to win the BQ top Breeders award in 2004, 2006 & 2007, needless to say, we are very proud of Loaf and Aqua's achievements. Our second Dam of Merit is Ch Boxberry When I Grow Up "P", P has produced 3 Champions so far, all from the same litter by frozen semen from Dutch Junior Champion Abythorn Dijon (Imp UK). P's Champions are Ch Boxberry Real Gone Kid (AI) "Deacon", Ch Boxberry Storm Front "Billy" who is owned, loved & campaigned by Julie Peeler in Western Australia, and Ch Boxberry Buy Me A Boat "J" who is owned, loved and campaigned by Roxbud Kennels in South Australia. Our first English Import Australian Grand Champion Belvurn Too Hot T'Handle (Imp UK) SOM HT0 "Jamie" is the sire of champions in Australia, England, Ireland, New Zealand & Canada, he has more progeny in America, Canada, and New Zealand who are very close to their Championships. Jamie's daughter Canadian Champion Boxberry Burn Baby Burn "Disney" (who I exported to America) is the first International Champion for the Boxberry kennel. Our second English import was "Jack" Australian Supreme Champion The Fonejacker At Surfstone (Imp UK) HT1 CC who was line bred to our beautiful boy Jamie, we are eternally grateful to Vicky of Surfstone Boxers (formally Belvurn/Belvern) for intrusting us with two beautiful boys. In 2006 Boxberry kennel took a new direction, with the introduction of the Bobtail Gene (Naturally short tails) into my lines. Some of my future litters will be Bobtail litters. I continue to breed with both 'Pure' and Bobtail lines, and will always keep 'Pure' lines in my breeding program and showing future. I realise that Bobtails do not appeal to everyone, although I do prefer the look of a Boxer with a short tail I love Boxers regardless of their tail length. I have a mixture of Docked, Long Tailed & Bobtails as part of myfamily, and that is the way it will stay. For further information regarding Bobtails please take a look at the Bobtail page of the website. 'Elmo' - Elmo Van Sapho's Hoeve (Imp Blg) was my first Bobtail stud, information on Elmo and his litters can also be found on his own page. I am very proud to have bred the first Bobtail in the world to have been awarded Best In Group (Group 1) & the first Bobtail to gain an Obedience title - Aust Ch Boxberry Sweet Surrender CCD DOM "Burger".
Some of my more notable wins have included Best In Show All Breeds on 5 occasions all with different dogs, 9 Runner Up Best In Show All Breeds with 6 different dogs, multiple Best In Show Specialty, multiple Runner Up Best In Show Specialty, Many Class In show All Breeds & Specialty, a Royal Best in Group (Group 1st) and multiple Royal Best Of Breeds, Challenges and Reserve Challenges. Although I am situated in country NSW my dogs are campaigned and competitive at most major All Breeds shows in Sydney and the majority of Specialty shows in the Eastern States. 2010 was a fantastic year for Boxberry with Jack being awarded the honour of Top Boxer in Australia (Dogzonline Best Of Breed Competition) Janet served as the Secretary of the Western Districts Boxer Club of New South Wales from 2000 to 2003, after a break she took up the position of Secretary again in 2007-2008 for the 11th National Boxer Specialty (held in Sydney in September 2008). Janet served as the Vice President of the Western Districts Boxer Club and Darryl was a committee member from 2008-2010. In 2008 we trained Aust Ch Boxberry Sweet Surrender "Zoe" (or Burger to her friends) for Obedience. Zoe competed in 7 trials and did very well considering her handler was very inexperienced. At the 11th National Boxer Specialty held in September 2008, Burger placed 4th in the CCD class. In May 2009 Burger gained her 3rd qualifying certificate gaining her first obedience Title, she can now be known as Aust Ch Boxberry Sweet Surrender CCD DOM. All the dogs are health tested. Some of the stud dogs are available at public stud to approved bitches, please contact us if you are interested in using one of our males. Further information about the beautiful boys can be viewed on their individual pages. Secure boarding to visiting ladies (included in the service price) is available, AI's with either frozen or fresh semen depending on your requirements. All stud fees are payable at the time of matings unless prior arrangements have been made and agreed upon (before matings occur), if a bitch fails to conceive or birth 2 live puppies a free return stud to the same bitch or another (subject to approval of the bitch). ALL Boxberry puppies have life long health guarantees. The dogs have their health testing results listed on their individual pages. Boxberry Boxers were the Top Boxer Breeder's in Australia in 2012, 2014, 2015 and again in 2018 (Dogzonline Pointscore) In February 2013 I acquired my first Black Sheep "Baa Baa", who is a Border Leicester ram lamb (6 months old). Baa Baa was our first show sheep, I sometimes exhibit our sheep in the Coloured Sheep classes which are available at some Agricultural Shows. In September 2015 I added another new family member "Pepper" and soon after '"Chilli", both are A Grade Miniature Pigs :-) There is a page about our other family members on this site. My goal is to breed happy, healthy well adjusted Boxer's from predominantly English & European lines.
I use and recommend the Royal Canin Boxer range of Dog food.
I hope you enjoy looking through our website :-)
Darryl Halliday Riverina Region, NSW, NSW, Australia Phone : +61497271150 Email : [email protected] |